Financial Model simply helps us to forecast the future performance of a company based on some reliable and realistic assumptions in Excel. The starting point for the forecast is usually based on the past performance of the company, assumptions about the future after taking into account environmental factors likely to affect the company. The output of the financial model is the income statement (profit and loss), balance sheet, cash flow statement and supporting schedules.
Course Content
- Build a solid understanding of the Basics of Microsoft Excel
- Formatting (Draw, Merging, Splitting text, Bordering, Filing (Coloring), Data grouping, text formatting)
- Write Formulas and perform Calculations
- Use Excel as a Database with Sort and Filter options
- AutoSum Functions – Sum, Average, Count, Max and Min
- Increase productivity with functions: IF, PMT, VLOOKUP, FIND, LEN, LEFT, RIGHT, MID and much more…
- Create Bar, Column, Pie and Line Charts in Excel
- Create charts with Trend Lines, and Dual Axis
- Prepare financial statements in Excel
- Perform ratio analysis using Excel
- Mail Merge
- Payroll in Excel
- Payslips and Bulk but Customized Letters in Word
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Financial Modeling Best Practices
- Excel Tools
- Scenario Analysis
- Model Components
- Profit & Loss
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flows
- Business Valuation in Excel
Fees, Certification & Other
- GHC750 per participant
- Upon successful completion, participants will be given Certificate of Participation
- Course materials will be provided
- Duration – 5 to 7 days